Garden Theatre Education

- New users will be asked to create an account.  We strongly recommend that you use an email address that you check daily to avoid missing important information about your class.

- To register for multiple camps/classes, click   on the check out screen or in your shopping cart

SPRING BREAK CAMPS : March 16th - March 20th

Program Restrictions Tuitions/Prices Action

Disney Dazzle!

Grades: Kindergarten - 2 $185.00 Tuition - (03/16/2020-03/20/2020) 8:30 am - 2:00 pm Details & Registration

Production Experience: Charlotte's Web

Grades: 3 - 7 $220.00 Tuition - (03/16/2020-03/20/2020) 8:30 am - 2:00 pm Details & Registration

Broadway Hits: Scene into Songs

Grades: 7 - 12 $185.00 Tuition - (03/16/2020-03/20/2020) 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Details & Registration


Program Tuitions/Prices Action

Extended Day ( 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm )

$65.00 Extended Day Care - Extended Day (03/16/2020-03/20/2020) Details & Registration

Application for Student Teaching Assistant Positions


Garden Theatre's Student Teaching Assistants develop leadership skills by providing support to instructors and theatre staff while working with camp students. This is a professional development volunteer opportunity most suitable for those students looking to develop and expand their knowledge of theatre education and theatre production. 

Click here to complete and submit an application